Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression

Depression is often a sneaky, stealthy disease with the capacity to permeate every aspect of our lives before we even realize it’s there.  Due to its often subtle and relatively slow onset and progression, it is not uncommon to live months with depression (even years), before ever being diagnosed.  If the symptoms remain in the mild-moderate range, there may never be an “official” diagnosis.

Although depression is characterized by a common list of symptoms, the presenting symptoms can vary from person to person, and from one episode to the next. If you haven’t experienced it, and sometimes even if you have, depression can be difficult to explain and hard to understand.   However, the  World Health Organization put out an animated video which I think does a great job at effectively conveying how depression is experienced by many of us.


5 Comments on “Understanding Depression

  1. Yes, when there’s a black dog in the room, we’d better learn to deal with it. Certainly, running in the other direction does no good whatsoever because he’ll only show up wherever we go.

  2. just read the symptoms, seems like i’ve been depressed most of my life. i thought it was just who i was.

    • Alicia it’s crazy, but I think that many of us have that same belief because it’s been with us so long. The blessing is that it is not us and there is practical ways to peace and joy the norm. Hope you keep coming back.