How to Stop Panic Attacks – Instantly and Permanently

How to Stop Panic Attacks – Instantly and Permanently

Panic attacks are perhaps the most frightening and debilitating form of anxiety that a person can experience. They are typically characterized by a sudden onset of unexplained fear or even terror. These intense emotional symptoms are often accompanied by physiological symptoms (i.e. shortness of breath, dizziness, pounding heart, profuse sweating, muscle weakness, etc).  A panic attack can be triggered by countless stressful situations, but the root cause is not yet fully understood. There is, however, research that indicates that panic attacks are associated with abnormal activity in the brain.  


When at its worst, a person experiencing a panic attack literally feels as if they are about to die.  Even when they are less intense,  panic attacks can cause a person to believe they are losing their mind.  Either way, the experience can be absolutely terrifying!  It is for this reason that I chose to write on the this topic early in the life of this blog. Knowing first hand what it is like to experience panic attacks, I feel a great urgency in sharing the powerful remedy that ended my attacks for good.  

It was about 2002 when I had my first panic attack. Although the overall experience is permanently etched in my mind, the details are a bit foggy.  I know that I was on my way somewhere, but had gotten lost.  While lost, my car began to malfunction in some way (can’t recall exactly how). To add to my rapidly increasing stress level, it was over 100 degrees outside, and my cell phone was dead.  Fortunately I found a phone booth that worked, but unfortunately for me, it smelled like a rank urinal.  All of that is enough to make you reach for the “Calgon”, but what happened next I could not have anticipated. While attempting to make my call, I suddenly became extremely anxious, light-headed, dizzy, overwhelmed with intense heat (not from the sun), and my heart was beating rapidly.  I had to physically brace myself in the phone booth because I was certain that I was going to pass out. I remember being incredibly scared, and having an overwhelming sense of losing control. I’m not sure how long that experience lasted, and I honestly don’t recall how I got home that day.

At the time, that incident seemed completely isolated, and I attributed it to a combination of the heat, the smell, and perhaps low blood sugar.  I had absolutely no idea that I’d had a panic attack. Over the next 6-7 years, I had several more attacks (all in completely different situations).  The attacks were relatively infrequent (usually no more than 1/year). However, when they did occur, they were unpredictable, frightening, and all consuming. Even after they would pass, I would be left with the fear of a recurrence, which would adversely affect my ongoing struggle with depression.  It was a vicious cycle.  


In early 2010, I experienced what turned out to be my last attack.  As usual, I felt frightened, desperate and overwhelmed. However, this time I was better able to calm myself as I had discovered that repeated dhikring created an inner peace. The problem was –soon after I’d stop dhikring, my panic level would begin to rise again. After what must’ve been several hours of this cycle, I suddenly remembered a book that I’d purchased several years back called “Tapping the Healer Within“, by Dr. Roger Callahan.  I hadn’t seen or thought about the book in years, so it was purely through Allah’s guidance that it came to mind at that time.  Tapping the Healer Within is a book about a psychological healing technique known as Thought Field Therapy (TFT); a form of meridian tapping.

When introducing TFT, it’s sometimes helpful to reference the more familiar treatment – acupuncture -since both treatments share the same basic foundation: the meridian systems. In the field of ancient Chinese medicine, the meridian system refers to the pathways in the body through which our energy flows.  There are numerous points located on these pathways that are said to govern the function of our organs, glands, nervous system, emotions and state of mind.  In Chinese medicine, when the meridian system is unimpeded, life energy flows harmoniously through our bodies, resulting in optimal health. A disruption in the energy system, however, leads to a state discomfort and disease.  While acupuncture and TFT  utilize points along the same meridian lines, the techniques are markedly different. Specifically, the treatment technique for TFT involves firm tapping on specific meridian points, in a specific sequence.   


So in my fluctuating state of panic, I quickly reviewed and then implemented the tapping procedures for eliminating panic attacks. I repeated the procedure 2-3 times, and within a few minutes, Alhumdulilah the panic was completely GONE.

The idea that something so horrible could be eliminated in just a few minutes may seem implausible, but that was exactly my experience.   Perhaps even more amazing is that, I’ve never had another panic attack.  Since TFT is better understood when demonstrated, I have created a short demonstration video for anyone one wants to try TFT to stop panic attacks for themselves or others.   

Additional Resources

Algorithm Chart

TFT Official Website

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