Can’t Sleep?

Can’t Sleep?

Having trouble falling to sleep? Waking up in the middle of the night, and finding it hard to go back to sleep?  If so, you are certainly not alone. Millions of people report that they simply “can’t sleep”, and the most common issues are difficulty with falling, and difficulty staying asleep.  Chronic lack of sleep can wreak havoc on our cognitive abilities, mental and physical health, as well as our overall quality of life.  I addressed the importance of sleep  in a previous post, so I won’t go into that here. Instead, I want to share a natural remedy I use when can’t sleep.

Sleep deprived folks often turn to stimulants (i.e. coffee & energy drinks) to help them get through the day, however these products don’t address the core problem: lack of sleep.  Prescription sleep aids and over the counter drugs are common remedies for those who can’t sleep. There are also a number of natural sleep aids available on the market, but the one I’m most excited about is not even marketed as a sleep aid.  My remedy? Sea Salt! In particular, Pink Himalayan sea salt. 


I could write a whole separate article on the benefits of sea salt (perhaps I will one day), but for now, I’ll just focus on a three particularly relevant benefits.

  1. To begin with, salt plays an essential role in the preservation of melatonin and serotonin levels in the brain.  Low levels of either of these hormones have been directly related to sleep issues, as well as depression.
  2. Elevated levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, can significantly interfere with sleep.  Salt has been shown to  reduce cortisol levels, thus reducing cortisol related sleep disturbances.
  3. Sea salt is incredibly rich in essential minerals, including magnesium. Magnesium is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system, and induces relaxation.

Now I can almost hear the concerned thoughts that some might have about the use of salt.  I’m well aware of the commonly held view that salt is dangerous, and should be avoided. Although I believe that view to be grossly inaccurate and misleading  (as indicated by an emerging body of research), I will not debate that issue here.  The amount of salt I propose to use as a natural sleep aid, is negligible.

The instructions for using salt to improve your sleep are simple. Approximately 15 minutes before going to bed, drink a little water, and then put a pinch of salt on the tongue. Let the salt dissolve completely, and then wash it down with a little more water.  That’s it!  

I’ve used this remedy numerous times after having a few rough nights of sleep. Each time, I would typically fall asleep within 5-15 minutes after getting in the bed, and I’d remain asleep for approximately 6-7 hours. Best of all, I wake up feeling well rested and prepared for my day.

Naturally, I can’t say that this method will work the same for everyone, but if you’re having sleep issues, it’s certainly worth a try.  While I use the pink Himalayan Sea Salt, I’ve heard that other sea salts work just  as well. I don’t, however,  recommend regular table salt, as it has been stripped of most the nutrients found in sea salt.

For more tips on improving your sleep, check out The Benefits of Sleep post. I’d love to know if the salt, or any of the other tips, work for you when you can’t sleep.

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